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About us / Contacts

Ecomuseo Lis Aganis and its members are committed to the revival, recounting and reclaiming the local legacy, i.e. the tales, characters and historical events, the material and non-material cultural heritage, the links between natural and man-made environments and the traditions of Western Friuli, with the aim of promoting the development of the local area through the triple prism of environmental, economic and social sustainability. 

All the projects managed by our ecomuseum aim to strengthen the sense of belonging of local communities to our land. To achieve this, we shed light on our historical and cultural roots from a dynamic, evolutionary perspective, through enhancement activities, research, experiencing and promoting heritage, building and revitalizing networks of activities and services.

Management and Coordination: dott.ssa Deborah Del Basso      
e-mail: direzione@ecomuseolisaganis.it  / cell. 393 9494762

Secretariat and Administration: Marina Cibin    
e-mail: segreteria@ecomuseolisaganis.it  / cell. 393 9494763

Communication and Graphic Design: dott.ssa Margherita Piazza 
e-mail: newsletter@ecomuseolisaganis.it  / cell. 391 3236705

Executive Board:

Rita Bressa - Presidente - Associazione Intorn al Larin APS
dott.ssa Marina Crovatto- Vice Presidente - Bacino Imbrifero Montano del Livenza
dott. Alex Cittadella - Circolo culturale Menocchio
Lucio De Conti - Associazione Progetto Pellegrin APS
dott. Fabio Pegoraro - Magnifica Comunità di Montagna Dolomiti friulane Cavallo Cansiglio
dott.ssa Cristina Querin - Comunità di Montagna delle Prealpi friulane Orientali 
dott.ssa Angela Sanchini - Associazione Borgo Creativo APS
dott.ssa Irene Sarcinelli - Associazione Scuola per la Ceramica di Villa Sulis APS
dott. Antonio Zambon - Circolo culturale "Tiziana Marsiglio" APS

Technical-Scientific Board:
dott.ssa Erika Di Bortolo Mel
dott. Alessandro Fadelli
dott. Marco Torresin


Via Maestri del Lavoro, 1
33085 - Maniago (Pn)
tel. 0427 764425

P.I. 01533440937 / C.F. 90009650939
cod. destinatario per fattura elettronica: KRRH6B9


