ADDRESS OF CELL: Piazza I° Maggio 1, 33090 Lestans di Sequals, PN
TEL: 333 7992626 (Presidente pro-tempore)
MANAGER: Gruppo Archeologico Archeo 2000 O.D.V. in convenzione con il Comune di Sequals
OPENING HOURS: Every Saturday from 3.00 PM to 6.00 PM and on request for groups and schools
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Villa Savorgnan is located in the center of the village of Lestans. Its original structure dates back to the 16th century. Since 1991 it has housed a permanent exhibition of archaeological material from different periods (Prehistory, Protohistory, Roman Age, Middle Ages and Renaissance) coming from the foothills comprised between the watercourses Meduna and Tagliamento. The collection began in 1973, while in 1992 Archeo 2000 was founded as an association to promote the excavation and collection of the local archaeological heritage from various sites (Solimbergo Castle, the early medieval necropolis in Tramonti di Sotto, Pinzano Castle, the necropolis on Via dei Tigli in Lestans, the prehistoric site “Cjamp dal Predi” in Borgo Ampiano near Pinzano al Tagliamento), coordinated by the Superintendence of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The second floor of the villa is a replica of a traditional house of the 20th century.
Photographs by Damiano Giacomello