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Toppo Castle


ADDRESS OF CELL: Frazione Toppo
TEL: 0427 90350
E-MAIL: turismo@comune.travesio.pn.it 
MANAGER: Comune di Travesio
OPENING HOURS: the Castle is always open
WEBSITE: https://www.borghibellifvg.it/it/i-borghi/toppo/luoghi-da-scoprire/il-castello-di-toppo

SHORT DESCRIPTION: The Castle of Toppo is located on a hill at the foot of Mount Ciavolet, overlooking the plain to the south, with the mountains behind it.
The castle was one of the most important defensive fortresses of Western Friuli in the feudal period, situated on an ancient road at a ford on the Meduna stream. The Toppo Castle is a rare example of preserved medieval architecture, since it has not undergone any stylistic changes over the centuries. After being inhabited until the 15th century, the castle was abandoned and fell into disrepair when the noble family of Toppo moved to the Toppo Wassermann Palace, built closer to the village and still standing today. The abandoned castle was used as a stone quarry until it was restored in 1990. Since 2005 it has been a cultural heritage site and is open to the public.
After renovation and deforestation, it is possible to visit the castle and enjoy the breathtaking view of the plain from the top of the hill.
